10 Tips to Endorse Speech and Language Skills for Your Kid

Fostering a language rich environment should be the main focus if you wish to help your kids acquire linguistic skills. Life is busy; good tutors are scarce; kids are more involved with gadgets than books. But, there’s still hope. Here we’ve compiled a list of 10 tips to endorse speech and language skills for your child.

  1. The more you communicate with your children the better it is for them. You should find time to interact with your children every day.  Sharing of your focus is very important for the children to develop their speech, linguistic and social skills. Children learn to speak and use a new language in many ways including exploring, copying, playing, listening and interacting.
  2. Parents often turn on the TV and ask kids to watch cartoons or movies, somehow hoping to escape their responsibility of spending time with them. Children require one-to-one interaction than anything else in order to develop speech and linguistic skills. TV and video games hardly leave any room for interaction and in fact, suppress speech-ability in a growing child.
  3. You should encourage your child to speak as much as possible. There are some parents who stuff the mouth of their children with ‘pacifiers.’ They actually weaken the oral musculature of a child.10 Tips to Endorse Speech and Language Skills for Your Kid
  4. Hire a tutor. Tuition agencies in Singapore can help you find one. A tutor can create an environment where learning and interaction becomes easy and effortless.
  5. Interaction with older children can also provide an easy way for development of speech in young children. Younger children generally need more time to formulate an answer and process speech; while interacting with older children they can learn at a much faster rate. Also, they can learn to use gestures and acquire various aspects of language in such an environment. Some of the best tutors in Singapore actively employ this strategy and produce exciting results.
  6. Always give your child enough time in a day to take a lead and seize control of the situation. This will enrich him with a feeling of empowerment and boost self confidence. For instance, let him play with his toys and watch him while he is carrying out his actions, follow his commands and directions during the process.
  7. The development of right speech and language skill set is very important. You should carefully select your words and abstain from using any kind of abusive language in your child’s presence. More the noble words he learns, better it is for you.
  8. There are numerous ways to add to the word bank of your child. You can use a commentary and describe the list of things your child is performing while he is playing with his dolls. For instance, you can ask your child to comb hair of a doll in order to help him understand the right meaning of ‘combing hair.’
  9. You should always reach to your child’s level and communicate with him in his own language. It will make him feel more confident; he’d thus be more likely to comprehend your words.

Your child might lack clarity of pronunciation with some words and this is pretty normal in a young age. You should try to improve the diction of your child without even making him realize what’s required of him.