Secrets of the Human body: Capture the attention of your Children with these Biology fun-facts!

At a young age, children may not necessarily be able to articulate their interests and they may not know what they might be passionate about. This is the primary reason why parents need to be active participants in their children’s learning journey.

When parents make the conscious effort to introduce fun facts and interesting information to children, parents will be able to guess their children’s area of interest and passion based on their response.

biology facts

One of the most important subjects that medicine students require to master is Biology, apart from Chemistry and Physics. Some children may be keen on learning about Biology whereas others may be completely uninterested and the earlier parents identify such interests, the better it will be for them to guide them in the right path in educational journey.

Biology tuition teachers make it a point to encourage their students to read up on fun facts to gain some inspiration as well as spark curiosity.

So, here are some Biology fun-facts that you can share with your children!


This plant, also known as devil’s backbone; it has the botanical name, Cissus quadrangularis and is clinically used as a remedy for faster healing of bone fracture.

Cissus quadrangularis

Cissus quadrangularis calcium citrate tablets are also being sold for bone health and many do not realise that it is also used externally to be applied around the affected area as well. It has various other properties such as anti-inflammatory action, anti-diabetes potential as well as an excellent source of dietary fibre that aids in weight loss as well.


This is an involuntary response to hormone surges caused by changes in temperature and emotions. It is a remnant of our evolutionary predecessors and these bumps are actually tiny elevations of the skin caused by contraction of miniature muscles.

In animals, this action traps air to create insulation and since we have less hair as human beings, it doesn’t serve as much of a purpose.


Would you believe if you are told that the largest organ in the body is the skin? Well, whether you believe it or not, it is the truth and the reason why this may be hard to believe is because as we know, organs are internal and cannot be seen externally.

human skin

The skin weighs about 3.6 kilograms and it does lot more than act as an outer covering; it regulates body temperature, prevents infection, plays an important role in manufacturing vitamin D with the help of sunlight, and so on.


We all know that Vitamins are essential for our body to function at an optimum level. Vitamin B especially has many subtypes such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12, which are collectively known as vitamin B-complex.

vitamin B

To be more specific, these are,

  • Vitamin B1- Thiamine
  • Vitamin B2- Riboflavin
  • Vitamin B3- Niacin
  • Vitamin B5- Pantothenic acid
  • Vitamin B6- Pyridoxine
  • Vitamin B7- Biotin
  • Vitamin B9- Folate
  • Vitamin B12- Cyanocobalamin

The deficiency of these vitamins may result in a variety of diseases which may lead to serious consequences and this is the reason why your doctor advices you to eat your colourful fruits and vegetables!


Craniotomy is also known as the “awake brain surgery” and it can be mainly used for mapping and resection of lesions in vitally important brain areas where imaging is not as sensitive and the areas of the brain that will be focused on are mostly motor and speech areas.

brain parts

Patients are awake and able to speak and, or move during the mapping phase. This intracranial surgical procedure requires a level of expertise and commitment.

Some contraindications for such procedure include, serious medical conditions such as congestive heart failure and 3rd trimester pregnancy.