Singaporean Student bags Red Hat ‘Next Cloud Generation’ Award 2013

A Singaporean student repeating the yesteryear’s trend, Chia Yong was crowned as 3rdregional Red Hat Challenge winner.

Last year, around 1,500 people participated in the regional event but this time the number was almost double.

Chia from Nanyang Polytechnic represented Singapore in this knowledge-based technology competition.

Heemerged victorious among 3,400 participants representing Singapore, Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Thailand. The competition, no doubt, was fierce.

Theme of the Winning Project

The project theme was ‘Building the Next Cloud Generation’.

In 2013, competition was mostly focused on the cloud buzz, testing participant’s knowledge and skills in cloud computing – a technology that everyone from tuition centers in Singapore to schools and shopping malls are slowly embracing.

Only 12 finalists were selected in the final round representing their country school’s on  December 14th, 2013 in Beijing.

Chia defeated a Chinese and a Taiwanese student in cloud competition and stood first in the regional cloud event. Sun Zi Qian from Shandong Agricultural University China was the first runner-up, while Chen Mao Qing from Taipei Chien Hsin University was judged for second runner-up position.

Red Hat Challenge Award 2013
Prizes: Chia received a winner’s trophy with a topper’s certificate and a Samsung Galaxy S4 Smartphone. Apart from the champ, all twelve finalists were awarded an offer of internship at Red Hat Company and a certificate of participation.

The yearly Red Hat competition started in 2011 and nearly 700 students participated in inaugural event. The competition makes news in beginning of November when sign-ups begin.  This marathon geeky meet, apart from multiple competitions, offers opportunities to learn about Red Hat’s initiatives in cloud technology.

If you’re receiving science tuition in Singapore, try keeping yourself abreast of such happenings and if you’re determined enough, you too would be participating in such events in near future!

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