Tips on How to Select the Best Home Tuition Services in Singapore

In the race of creating a fulfilling life for your children, we recognize that quality education certainly brings great opportunities of securing jobs. Investment in the education of your child can have immense benefits for his future. No doubt the competition has become tough and students’ life more demanding, and yet value addition to the child’s education cannot be neglected. In order to achieve this goal, the best way out is to appoint a home tuition service in addition to conventional schooling.

Availing home tuition in Singapore is a common practice among parents and students, and with plenty of tuition agencies for you to choose from, it can be quite mind boggling. Below are some tips which we offer to enhance your selection process.

Employ the services of an accredited or registered tuition agency only

By availing the service of a tuition teacher in Singapore, or anywhere else means that you’re indirectly handing them the future of your child.Therefore it is imperative to make sure the tutor is not a bad influence on your ward. The simplest way to avoid this mistake is hiring a licensed or registered tuition agency that has been approved by the Ministry of Education.

Verify the past record of the agency

Over time, home tuition in Singapore has gained immense popularity, all thanks to the increasing pressure of home assignments and projects allotted to students. This emerging trend has also led to the mushrooming of several tuition agencies in the country. Some of these are highly recognized names and properly accredited by law, while others are only reaping the benefits of demand.

It has therefore become important to verify the past records of the agency. Ask for their credentials, consult other parents and students that have availed their services in the past and check for the service they offer post appointing a tutor.

Match your child with an appropriate tutor

Private Tutor Singapore

Home tuition in Singapore can only be beneficial when the right tutor has been matched with the requirements of your child. Many agencies may have a large database of tutors with them, but if they are in-adept at matching your child with the tutor he needs, the exercise will only be a waste. The rule of the thumb is always to have at least 3 tutors to choose from.

Tuition teachers in Singapore must complement the school systems

In Singapore, there are primarily two basic school systems, the local systems and the international system. While some agencies may only have tutors for domestic school systems, and other exclusively for international education system, you must confirm this prior to appointment. Whatever the case, there should not be any conflict in the school and tuition assignments.

How affordable are the tuition service

Tuition Teacher Singapore

While affordability does not mean a compromise in quality, there are certain parameters to define the correct price to pay for tuition in Singapore. Choosing the right agency solves half of your problem, the remaining half would be the shortlisting process of the tutors adopted by the agency, whether the agency verifies the academic certifications of the tutor to ensure authenticity in their quality of studies. Also, please beware of unauthorized agencies as their main objective could be assigning unqualified tutors to earn a quick buck out of it.