Science blogs are great platforms that have a lot of interesting science facts being elaborated as articles. Science enthusiasts are the ones who mostly man these blogs and there are many students who benefit from reading the articles being put up in these blogs. They quench the thirst of inquisitive minds and it’s a good way to learn and expand one’s knowledge.
Generally, science bloggers tend to be engaging in the way they explain science and the way they communicate science through their writing to audience whom are maybe not so knowledgeable in science nor as interested in it.

#1: ScienceAlert
This blog offers articles on various trending topics and hence it acts as an up-to-date information-giver. There are various topics that this blog handles such as, Technology, Health, Space, Environment, Humans, Physics, Nature, as well as, Politics & Society.
#2: New Scientist
This blog updates readers on its latest scientific findings and news as well and has its own podcasts as well as a subscribe option to get Newsletters through email.

The way information is interactively presented with various facts and figures that accompay the article to make it credible is extremely convincing as well. There is also an option of “write for us” which means the blog is also open to creative and knowledgeable writers.
#3: Short Sharp Science
The name itself is a play on words; the alliteration is attractive enough to rise a curiosity in students. This is derived from the New Scientist, and it is great for older students or anybody interested in scientific discoveries and developments, in general. There are interesting articles across a range of scientific disciplines, it’s ideal to be updated with the latest discoveries in the scientific world.
#4: Cancer Research UK
Cancer has become so common with a rise in cases for various reasons and it is one of the most feared diseases because it causes a havoc in a family financially, mentally and physically for the patient.

This blog gives insight into the latest developments in the research for cancer and gives a depth of information about the various types of cancers, the importance of their early detection, the treatment procedures, the length of recovery, so on and so forth. It is a great platform that creates awareness and it is necessary to be well-informed especially when a loved one in your family is affected.
#5: The Naked Scientists
This blog offers such interesting topics; the titles are so interesting that it is challenging to even think of them. On top of that, producing articles with such interesting perspectives is rarely seen. There are various topics that are being covered such as physics, biology, medicine, environmental science, Earth science and so on. The option of podcasts also makes it more convenient for those who wish to listen to the information rather than read it.
Science blogs for students are a great way to get exposed to scientific fun facts and articles to increase the depth of your knowledge. Students should be encouraged to cultivate the habit of reading during free time and soon it becomes something that students enjoy doing!
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