5 Reasons for the popularity of Singapore Math

According to a study called ‘International Mathematics and Science Study’ (an achievement test set by policymakers and educators globally), Singapore students are, on a global level, the best performing students in the subjects of mathematics and science. In this test, Primary 4 pupils and Secondary 2 students (179 primary schools and 167 secondary schools were included in the sample) topped the Mathematics test.

Singapore Maths in particular is regarded to have a very high standard globally, both in terms of its syllabus and the way the subject is being handled in examinations. This is especially because the Ministry of Education in Singapore is aware that Mathematics is of paramount importance in various professions and it’s a subject that influences a lot of fields. It is a prerequisite to many important areas and as a reinforcement to that, you can see mathematics manifested in many ways around us. Thus, the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) education at a tertiary level is given lots of importance and educational experts assent to the significance of staying ahead of the curve in terms of the Mathematics syllabus.

Educational experts often question why Singapore students, in general, perform exceptionally well in Mathematics and what makes Singapore Mathematics students special.

So, let’s look at the top 5 reasons why Singapore math is popular and being looked up to…


Source: Agilelean life

A strong base is a key to everything. Singapore’s education system believes in building a strong foundation for children and it is absolutely true that this will bring students far in their education. There are various programmed and support systems created and in place to help students to cope with and perform well in mathematics. Such programmes include the ‘Night study’ programme, supplementary classes, head-start programme, remedial lessons, and one-to-one consultations.


These skills are of high importance in the Singapore education system, particularly in mathematics. By teaching children to think critically to solve problems from the beginning, it will become second nature to them, which means children will come up with an immediate response that starts off from reading, to analyzing, hypothesizing, testing and finally figuring out the answer. With constant practice through school assignments and examinations, students are trained to be critical thinkers.


Source: inc.com

The only way to master mathematics in Singapore is through consistent practice and there is no other way around it. Practicing problem solving for different mathematical concepts is essential and in Singapore, tutors make it clear that students need to be provided with various resources and avenues to practice and master the concepts in the subject. This is one of the main reasons why Singapore students are one of the globally well-preforming students in mathematics.


Exam papers are generally challenging in Singapore mainly due to the idea that this will push students to think even more critically and practice more as well. Under exam pressure and time limitation students are challenged to recall and interlink concepts, analyze problems and derive solutions. All these skills are developed over time and hence patience is required.


Singapore math has been designed in such a way that tutors have always made the conscientious effort to ensure that Singapore students are always a step ahead. The way the syllabus is designed, the way lessons are taught and the way exam papers are set, are all aimed at producing critical-thinking and intelligent mathematicians who are more knowledgeable and passionate about the subject.

In conclusion, there are many reasons for Singapore math to have rose in prominence in recent years and to gained such global attention. The above-mentioned are only the top 5 reasons and there are many others as well. Education systems all around the world look up to Singapore math system and try to adopt the various strategies. It is of no doubt that Singapore will have many young and talented mathematicians emerging soon enough!