3 Ways To Create A Conducive Learning Environment at Home

A conducive learning environment is extremely important for effective learning. Students often times get distracted for various reasons, so choosing the right spot to study in a focused manner is essential for an effective study session. Tuition teachers and school teachers encourage students to try out different locations to see which works out for them. Nonetheless, there are some ways in which students can create such a learning environment for themselves.


Firstly, reduce as many distractions as possible. This can start off with keeping the place where you are studying as neat as possible. Many might be comfortable with things being messy about them and claim that it’s just the way they are.

However, unknowingly, their messiness will end up distracting them when they are trying to study or work. Messiness does only relate to random objects on your study desk but it also relates to other study material that is not necessary at the current moment.

study material
Source: casita.comg

While studying for a particular subject, it is important to have only study material related to that subject on the table to reduce as many distractions as possible. Once the table has been clutter free, it is important to focus on gadgets. No matter how much self-control you might think you have, it is sometimes impossible to resist using your phone or laptop even for a short while especially if it’s within arm’s reach.

Thus, it is important to keep these gadgets far away and shut down so that the hassle of getting to these gadgets will be enough to deter you from using them. Lastly, it is important to consider noise distractions when picking a study room. Some may study best with a bit of background noise and some may study best with no noise at all.

Regardless, no one will be able to concentrate if the noise level is too high and thus it is important to pick a room which will be relatively quiet and noise proof!


Secondly, design this room in such a way that invites you to study. Make sure the room has enough space for bookshelves, a large enough table, a comfortable chair, etc. These may seem like they will not play a part in learning efficiency but every small detail plays a big part. Ideally, the room can be transformed into a mini library with all necessary learning materials within reach which makes studying much more convenient.

study space
Source: media.designcafe.com

The room should have a window to provide you with fresh air and also provide you with a scenery to look at when you decide to take a break. Moreover, the room should also have the facilities to protect you depending on the climate. On sunny days, the room should have a fan or an air conditioner to cool the temperature and blinds or curtains to protect you against the sunlight.

Although it is important to not have any distracting objects, it is also important for the room not to be plain as it may drive you away from wanting to study in it. You can choose to add paintings or other decorations to make the room seem livelier.


Lastly, once the room has been designed to be effective for learning it is important to change certain habits that you may have. The study room should strictly be used for studying and not anything else. Many use the same room for studying, sleeping, gaming, eating, etc. Although this may seem ideal and comfortable, it ends up reducing the effectiveness of learning.

online courses
Source: theeducationdaily.com

Using the room only for studying will help to condition you to associate the room only with studying and forces you to have self-control and focus on studying when in the room. This is also why you should not study in the dining room, on a bed or on a couch as these furniture have a different primary purpose which will interfere with your learning process.

However, some may run into the problem where their house does not have enough rooms for them to dedicate one to studying. For this case, you can choose a particular corner of a room as your study corner and treat it like your study room. Although this may result in more distractions than dedicating a room to studying, it is much more effective than studying at random places around the house.