When you are in the last lap and stretching yourself out to cover every nook and corner of your book and notes, there’s chances that your mind would get exhausted before the exam even arrives! As more and more young tutors take up tuition agency assignments all across various academic levels, they arrive at the understanding that revision for exam is a herculean task for every student. Every student of every academic level has the same issue and it is a few factors such as stress and heavy subject content that amalgamate to cause this problem.
Here are some ways to make effective notes for exam revision!
First of all, it is important to have done your due diligence throughout the year by reading through the chapters, finishing up your homework and completing class tests as and when they come by. This means that you would have at least familiarised yourself with the content twice.
When it comes to exam season, you need to flip through those pages and cover each chapter once again to see if you have any doubts or concepts left out (previously you may not have had a clear understanding and might have set them aside to come back to them later) which you might need the help of your tuition teachers. In order for this to be carried out, be sure to create a study schedule to plan everything out.
![[Source: Edutopia]](https://www.championtutor.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/iStock-455527981-crop-1024x576.jpg)
In the case of certain subjects like English, your English tuition teachers and school teachers would advise you to practice using mock papers and write out essays to hone your writing skills.
Not all information is as equally important. Some might be extra information which may give you the context and form the base of the concept, but may not be as important in an exam-point of view.
For a student, it will be challenging to find out what the most important points. To sieve them out, one needs to know why those points are important and how they can be used to answer exam questions effectively. This is when tutors come to the rescue!
Tutors know which points are important and which concepts take precedence over others for exams. So, it would be a wise move for students to seek the help of their tutors and ask the right questions to have a clear understanding of how one should study for exams.
Mind maps and flashcards are tedious to make but they can be extremely useful when studying for exam! Mind maps are excellent to concise huge chunks of information into small, bite-sized format which can be internalised much more easily. Flashcards on the other hand should consist of the most key points and formulas which need to be encoded into your memory through spaced repetition technique.

If you ever have doubts on how these should be done, find out how through various tutorial videos on YouTube, or you could simply ask your tuition teachers for help. With practice, you will realise that making flashcards and mind maps aren’t that challenging as you imagine them to be.
In every test and exam, there are always mistakes being made. They can be careless mistakes, or mistakes due to a lack of concrete understanding of concepts. The best way to learn is to always identify our knowledge gaps and logic gaps. In order to isolate and identify where we go wrong, one needs to make a list of the mistakes made in tests.
When you take the effort to make a list and study that, it would see yourself improving and the same mistakes would never get repeated!